Glitter Words

Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

Development of Science

Science is a system initially developed to determine the state of the surrounding environment . In the 20th century before the 21st century , science has become something substantive that dominate human life . Developments in science affecting the western philosophical thought .

          Western philosophy is divided into several periodization is based on the dominant characteristic of the era . As for those periods are :

1 . Ancient Greece ( Ages 6SM - 6M )

Characterize the thinking is cosmocentric , which questioned the origin of the universe and the universe as an effort to discover the origin ( arche ) which is an element of the onset of symptoms .


2 . Middle Ages ( 6M - 16M )

Thinking characteristic of our times is theocentric use of philosophical thinking to strengthen Christian religious dogma . At the time of European thought is constrained by the necessity of compliance with religious teachings .

3 . The Renaissance ( 14 - 16M )

Is an age concerned in the arts , philosophy , science and technology . This era is also known as the return of the era of human liberty in thought .

 4 . Modern Age ( 17 - 19M )

Philosophy is patterned antoposentris age , which makes the center of attention philosophical inquiry . In addition , the main topic is the problem of epistemology .

5 . Contemporary Period ( 20th century onwards )

At this time appeared various schools of philosophy and most of these streams is a continuation of the schools of philosophy that had developed in previous times , such as Neo - Thomism , Neo - Marxism , Neo - Positivism and so on .

 Meanwhile, according to the dictionary definition of Sciences of Indonesia that has been perfected , which is Science is a field that systematically compiled based on a particular method , to be used as an explanatory certain symptoms . ( Admojo , 1998) .
With the above definition we can see that the science is very influential on a person's personality as with the science we will be more careful in selecting and sorting the development of technology at this time so we are not going to fall on things that are not in want .
In addition to the knowledge someone will easily accept what will happen in the future because we already know what is best , and bad for the life of each individual . Maybe this time not many people are aware of the benefits of the science . But sooner or later we will realize the importance of Sciences so we 'll flock - Dondong to keep abreast of the Sciences in growing and increasingly varied

Not only the development of Information Technology who have a variety of impacts , Science Pengetahuanpun equally . As for the impact of the development of Science , among others :
- Impact of Positive developments Sciences
1 . adding Information
2 . Meeting the needs in response to the development of Information Technology
3 . Facilitate the public in the search for new insights
4 . Changing people's minds to be more realistic.

- Impact of Negative developments Sciences
1 . Students learn more lazy , because with the perkembangnya Sciences also develops leading information technology such as mobile phones that makes students lazy to study
2 . Misuse of a data processing system that uses the technology .
3 . Creates instant communities means communities pampered with various facilities of information technology .

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